
COUNTER:  24,625 hits on my old website, and another 265,000+ here!

Welcome to the



Born August 11, 1906 — Died November 19, 1996

ABOVE:  I visited Harry Anderson at his home in Connecticut in June of 1986!
I’ve been collecting Harry’s art since 1984 — he was an amazingly talented artist and a very humble man, and I was very glad to have been able to spend 3 hours visiting him at his home in Connecticut in 1986.
If anyone can help me acquire more of his illustrations, please contact me! 
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The Art of Harry Anderson:

This 224-page HARRY ANDERSON art book was published by Dan Zimmer — www.Illustration-Magazine.com — unfortunately it’s currently sold out….

I received my advanced airmail contributor’s copy on Feb. 23, 2018 — I contributed 140+ tearsheets to this book — and Bud Plant used Harry’s art on the cover of his catalog:


James Gurney wrote:

 “Hi, Jim — What a great website. Thank you for sharing Anderson’s work with the rest of us. I love the way you have set it up.
Clinking my imaginary champagne glass with you! Here’s a blog post:”


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Harry Anderson’s very 1st published illustration appeared in a 1932 COLLIER’S Magazine:
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Harry Anderson art!
In the past few years I’ve located around 200+ illustrations that have not been seen in 50-70 years, and this is the ONLY website that has them!
 Go to the Ladies’ Home Journal page!
Go to the Woman’s Home Companion page!
Go to the Good Housekeeping page!
See *ALL* the pages!!
T LHJ46july
See a child hugging his mom… see people running to barns…


See a little blue teddy bear…
See people at the opera…
PR38oct girlweb
See a full-grown man sucking his thumb…
Cosmo43 thumb
See an old cranky bank teller…
See a Tooth Fairy…
See elderly women buying dolls…
See a girl blowing up a balloon…
See a boy hugging a little baby chick…
Red50June boy
See children in school….
T GH41a
See people in swimsuits…
T GH41b
See a mom with a big family…
 T LHJ50a
See a mom getting a nose job (really!)…
T LHJ50b
See a girl playfully messing her boyfriend’s hair…
LHJ48Jan web
Harry did a LOT of really nice car paintings!
Go to the Calendar Art page!
T car
See a tender moment…

See a scary moment…

…and a wonderful Christmas…


See a kid riding a giant grasshopper!


See angry men…



…and 1940’s women doing dishes…


See children acting up…
WHC42oct girls
See a little girl who looks like Shirley Temple…


…and boys pointing…


Kids web
And even some paintings of Jesus!

T Jesus
The website you’ve been waiting for years to see is finally here!!!
T LHJ48june
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Click on the <Side Links> to see Harry’s art!