About Harry Anderson
One of my favorite artists!
Born August 11, 1906 — Died November 19, 1996
I visited Harry Anderson at his home in Connecticut in June of 1986!
Harry’s Studio in 1986 above his garage:
Kurt setting up his camera equipment…
Kurt’s flyer with his photo of Harry:
I took this photo of Harry holding his 1949 original painting of kids reading the Sunday Comics…
It only took me 23 years to find out where it was published!

(Woman’s Home Companion February 1949!)
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Harry’s 1926 Letter
This is an edited portion of a longer letter that Harry Anderson wrote & illustrated with sketches to his cousin Ed Holt at the age of 19 when he was at school — he talks about taking a course in “oil painting” and how his other classes are “a bore to me,” and how he always has his mind on painting!
This letter was contributed to this website in April 2014 by Bill Chandler whose wife was a distant cousin to Harry.
Bill Chandler also donated this 1970’s photo taken by either Edna or her daughter Joyce Wallney who visited Harry Anderson:
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My Southern Tidings Article / Sept 2015
Here is my layout sketch for this article:
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Carl Anderson Jr.’s original!
In May 2015 Carl Anderson Jr. contacted me and told me how much he appreicated this website — and Harry Anderson was Carl’s uncle! Carl sent me photos of this early 1950’s Harry Anderson fishing scene that was given to his family long ago — supposedly it was a cover for FIELD & STREAM magazine, but I have not yet been able to find the issue….
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Harry’s 1976 Art Book
Steve Rude visited Harry in 1988 & 1991
More pics by Steve Rude:

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Christmas Shopping / REDBOOK Dec 1948

Steve Rude enjoyed seeing this one so much that on Christmas Day 2012 he re-painted his version of it:
Steve Rude also sent me these b&w xeroxes 10-15 years ago (I finally found “Jupiter” in full color and it’s posted on the LADIES HOME JOURNAL page!)…
Harry autographed that illustration in May 1988 when Steve visited him, and Harry told Steve that the dog was a real challenge to do!
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HARRY AHN’s 1994 Portrait of Harry Anderson!
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Harry Anderson’s Reference Photos
(Provided by Lars Justinen)
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Lars Justinen’s 1980’s Pic of Harry & Ruth, & Lar’s wife Kim
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Harry’s Self Portrait
Done in 1956 for American Artist Magazine
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CREATION Magazine 1997
There was a 12-page article on Harry in this issue, and I contributed some of my photos…
1940’s Boy and his Dog going fishing
This was also made into a jigsaw puzzle:

…and someone re-did it for this Little Joe Cowder Peas label:

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Harry on the IT IS WRITTEN Television Program

And Harry appeared on the TV program “Power to Cope” after he recovered from his stroke in the early 1980’s…

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Kent Steine’s website about Harry Anderson:

Artist Kent Steine visited Harry on his 90th birthday and took this photo of Harry and Ruth and their daughter Kristin — about a month later Harry passed away…

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This beautiful flower painting by Harry is owned by Lars Justinen…

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Harry’s Gift to the Eldridge Family
Gary Eldridge contacted me in August 2014 to say he really appreciated this website, and Gary told me that Harry Anderson had given one of his original watercolor paintings to his father and their family in appreciation of working with them since 1950 — Gary’s father Shirley Eldridge worked at the SDA Southern Publishing House and hired Harry many times to do art jobs for the church…

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The Old Tree in the Cornfield
This was done around 1956 or 1957, and it was a gift to a fellow artist friend of Harry’s who was also a member of the Watercolor Society — donated by Kent Steine in November 2014…

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